About Beth Haskalah

cropped-SHJlogoclean-22.jpgAs Humanistic Jews, we celebrate  our Jewish identity and culture consistent with a humanistic philosophy of life.

We celebrate our holidays and recognize life cycle events, understanding that it is under human power that they came to be.



Beth Haskalah   The Rochester SHJ – Society for Humanistic Judaism

Barry A. Swan, Madrikh

PO Box 18343     Rochester NY 14618

585-329-3305 and baswan@aol.com

Humanistic Judaism enables us to combine our attachment to Jewish identity and culture with a human centered approach to life. It defines Judaism as the historical and cultural experience of the Jewish people. Humanistic Judaism affirms that people are independent of supernatural authority and responsible for themselves and their behavior. Humanistic Jewish communities celebrate Jewish holidays and life cycle events (such as weddings and bar and bat mitzvah) with inspirational ceremonies that draw upon, but go beyond, our traditional literature.